Our ethos – Happy places, happy clients, happy planet


Waste not want not

We know that the construction industry has a poor reputation for waste and the construction and demolition industry is one of the largest contributors to global waste.  With the sector producing approximately 30% of the 120 million tonnes of the UK’s overall waste there is a long way for our industry to go, to improve, to build better practices for a sustainable future.

ASR Projects is a small construction company but as we grow we are building bigger and bigger projects. It is our responsibility to manage the waste we produce, try to minimise it at all times. We do our best, but can do better so at ASR Projects our policy is simple, our 5 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle. And where relevant repair and renovate. Materials matter, materials cost, materials have value. Waste costs the client – and it costs the planet.


And then there’s landfill

The UK’s construction industry contribution to landfill is in the region of 31% and that’s a pretty ugly amount of waste our sector is creating. Our waste is responsibly managed through our specialist waste collections and kept to a minimum driven by our 5 R’s policy.


And on top of that there’s the carbon emissions

Around 45% of the UK’s total carbon emissions are down to the construction industry. That’s a staggering amount from one sector. ASR Projects aims to keep its carbon emissions as low as it can. We supply a van to pick up team members, we encourage car share, we use local suppliers thereby lowering our carbon footprint. We don’t use heavy machinery unless it’s necessary and fundamental to achieving the most efficient and effective job. We don’t insist on our suppliers delivering to our sites if we’re passing their door and can collect. We make small but steady steps but know its ASR Projects and our team members responsibility to make greater strides towards lowering our carbon footprint as part of our everyday working practice.


Materials matter

Where possible and practical we aim to use materials that are best for the job from quality to longevity, cost effectiveness to budget control, and we don’t like to compromise. We work closely with architects, designers and engineers exploring innovative and eco materials and components. The choice of materials matters – we check their sustainable credentials as well as all the practical essentials ensuring the materials we use are fit for purpose and fit for long life.


Building better, building what matters

From the very start ASR Projects has strived to build better. We could use the best materials, have the best team on site, work with the best suppliers but without our quality controls we fall short of “building better and building what matters”. Our Project Managers and Site Managers wrap their arms around our clients projects with a keen eye on the detail and watching eye on the programme, they ensure our clients and their building project meets expectations – both ours and the clients. If we exceed expectations that’s a job well done. We always aim to build lasting buildings and lasting relationships – Happy places, happy clients and a happy planet.